Whole Spices

Whole Spices

Aromatic spices add flavor and bite to curry dishes, and many of these spices may also offer your health benefits. The list of health benefits from spice consumption is endless and cannot be ignored. 

Dry Coriander Leaves Top-Op 25g

Dry Coriander Leaves Top-Op 25g

Top-Op Foods has been known for over 40 years as a leading supplier and distribution company in the world food market. They are preferred suppliers to a vast range of superior quality world food products to various clients across Europe from the national distribution Centre in London....

10.00 zł
Goond Katira Top-op 100g

Goond Katira Top-op 100g

Top-op to bardzo znana marka słynąca miedzy innymi z produkcji artykułów spożywczych i kadzidełek. Doceniana przede wszystkim jest za to, że ich produkty posiadają bardzo wysoką jakość. Produkty Heera to między innymi produkty żywnościowe gotowe do spożycia, napoje, pasty, pikle, sosy, mąki, ryże, mieszanki przypraw i przyprawy jednoskładnikowe oraz przyprawy luksusowe, takie jak szafran....

10.00 zł
Kamarkas Butea Frondosa Top-Op 100g

Kamarkas Butea Frondosa Top-Op 100g

Top-Op Foods has been known for over 40 years as a leading supplier and distribution company in the world food market. They are preferred suppliers to a vast range of superior quality world food products to various clients across Europe from the national distribution Centre in London....

10.00 zł
Kokum Phool Dried Wild Mangosteen Slices Top Op 200g

Kokum Phool Dried Wild Mangosteen Slices...

Top-Op Foods has been known for over 40 years as a leading supplier and distribution company in the world food market. They are preferred suppliers to a vast range of superior quality world food products to various clients across Europe from the national distribution Centre in London....

12.00 zł