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Kamasutra kadzidełka HEM 20 sztuk

Little India > Kadzidełka i akcesoria > Kadzidełka
main main
Producent: Hem
Cena brutto: 3,00 zł
Cena netto: 2,44 zł

• They cleanse the surroundings and give it a pleasant scent,

• The soothing fragrance refreshes the heart, mind and soul,

• They provide moments of respite in the busy lives of each of us,

• They calm down and soothe the mind,

• make meditation more pleasant,

• They give prayer a unique power,

• They bring peace to your home,

• They facilitate relaxation and restful sleep,

• Loved by everyone,

• The use of incense sticks is not harmful!

Packing: 1pack
Packing: Full box (6 pack) +12