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Gram Dhall Udhaiyam 200g

Little India > Dals ,Lentiles,Groats, Pods, Cereals > Beans
main main
Producer: Udhaiyam
Producer code: 8906002132317
Price gros: 10.00 zł
Price net: 10.00 zł

Udhaiyam is a respected Indian food brand known for its high-quality products, including oils, flours, grains, and spices. Its traditional production methods ensure an authentic taste and freshness. It is a company valued by customers in India for its reliability and high-quality standards.

Gram dal, also known as Bengal Gram or Chana Dal, is an excellent source of folic acid and fiber, aiding in blood sugar stabilization. Upon hulling and splitting, we obtain Gram dhall - a protein-rich legume with a low glycemic index that helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. Gram Dhall is highly nutritious and versatile in cooking, providing protein with a natural, earthy flavor. It is used in a variety of dishes, from appetizers and main courses to desserts. Gram dhall is often added to chappathis and parottas, making it a crucial ingredient in many Indian dishes. Its widespread culinary use makes it popular across various culinary cultures for its rich taste and health benefits.