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Crushed Wheat (Lapsi Coarse) Heera 500g

Little India > Dals ,Lentiles,Groats, Pods, Cereals
main main
Producer: Heera
Price gros: 7.00 zł
Price net: 6.48 zł

Heera Crushed Wheat 

Crushed wheat Heera


Broken wheat is a wheat product made from whole raw wheat grains that are crushed or cut into smaller pieces. Because crushed wheat is made from whole grains, it is high in nutrients and fiber.

Broken wheat is popular in Indian cuisine, you can prepare from it, among others: Jaggery Dalia, Dalia Upma, Dali Khichidi, Lapsi sweet.


It is also called: Lapsi Coarse, Broken Wheat, Dalia, Broken Wheat.