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Patanjali Renogrit Divya 60 tab

Little India > Health care > natural medicine
main main
Producer: Divya
Producer code: 8904049102652
Price gros: 50.00 zł
Price net: 46.30 zł

Divya started operations in India in early 2015. The company supplies a wide range of products from India as well as other parts of Asia. All products are characterized by high quality and international standards.

Divya Renogrit offers valuable benefits in treating disorders and chronic kidney diseases, effectively supporting the overall health of the renal system. By naturally maintaining kidney health, it serves as a preventive measure against kidney ailments. Interestingly, these tablets are completely free from any adverse side effects. Each tablet typically contains Apamarg, Pashanbhed, Palash, Varun, Punarnavamool, Kasni, and Gokharu.