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Garcinia Cambogia – metabolizm tłuszczów Organic India 60 kapsułek

Little India > Health care > Dietary supplements > Odporność
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Producer: Organic India
Producer code: 801541517183
Price gros: 49.50 zł
Price net: 45.83 zł

Organic India delivers Organic Teas & Supplements from across rural India. They work with several small family farmers across India to cultivate thousands of acres of sustainable organic farmland. All Organic India products support health and True Wellness and are made with loving care.

Garcinia Cambogia is an Ayurvedic herb popularly known as a weight loss supplement, renowned worldwide for its health benefits. It has been found to block the body's ability to produce fat, improve fat metabolism, and promote the development of lean muscle mass. Additionally, it helps increase energy levels, balance mood swings, and suppress appetite.