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Channa Dal Lakshmi India Gate 1kg

Little India > Dals ,Lentiles,Groats, Pods, Cereals
main main
Producer: Lakshmi India Gate
Producer code: 8902164203513
Price gros: 15.00 zł
Price net: 15.00 zł

Lakshmi India Gate is a brand known for Indian food products such as noodles, lentils, flours, sweets, etc.

Channa Dal Lakshmi India Gate 


Chickpeas are legumes from Western Asia. Chana Dal is made in the process of husking and splitting chickpeas - usually brown. It does not grow wild, it is only cultivated. It contains a lot of protein and fiber, which is why it is especially appreciated by vegetarians.

In India, Chana Dal is often used to prepare Chana Dal, Chana Dal Vada, Chana Dal Halwa, and many other dishes.

Chickpeas should be soaked in water for at least a few hours/overnight, this will shorten the cooking time.


Other common names: split chickpeas, bengal gram, chana dal


Grain form: husked, split

Manufacturer: Lakshmi India Gate