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Rock Salt Tata Salt 1kg

Little India > Herbs, Spices > Salt
main main
Producer: Tata Salt
Producer code: 8904043904931
Price gros: 14.00 zł
Price net: 14.00 zł

Tata Salt was launched in 1983, as the first national branded salt of India. It pioneered salt iodization in the country, bringing an iodized vacuum-evaporated salt into a market where unbranded, unpackaged salt was the norm.

TATA Rock Salt comes directly from the mountains, thanks to which it is full of natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. TATA salt adds a salty taste to everyday meals. The salt package keeps its freshness intact for longer. Now enjoy your favorite foods with the fresh flavors and natural minerals of Tata Rock Salt.

TATA rock salt is in crystalline form and has a light pink color. It becomes pale pink or whitish when crushed. It is also widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is also used in bath products and salt lamps.

Form: sól drobnoziarnista
Country of origin: Indie
Manufacturer: Tata Salt
Type: sól kamienna
Packaging condition: original
Trade name: Rock Salt Tata Salt
Product does not contain: not applicable
Additional features: lack
Weight (g): 1000