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Gokshura Promotes Men Vitality Sitaram Ayurveda 60caps.

Little India > Health care > Dietary supplements > Sexual performance
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Producer: Sitaram Ayurveda
Producer code: 8904072724463
Price gros: 25.00 zł
Price net: 23.15 zł

Sitaram Ayurveda is a company specializing in the production and distribution of Ayurvedic products. Ayurveda is a traditional Indian system of medicine that aims to achieve balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit. Sitaram Ayurveda is built upon this ancient scientific discipline, offering a range of Ayurvedic products and services. The company Sitaram Ayurveda was founded with the goal of promoting a healthy lifestyle and well-being through Ayurveda. Their product range includes various Ayurvedic medicines, dietary supplements, massage oils, herbal tonics, herbal teas, Ayurvedic cosmetics, and more. All products are based on carefully selected herbs, plants, spices, and natural ingredients, following the principles of Ayurveda. Sitaram Ayurveda also engages in running Ayurvedic clinics where they offer medical consultations, Ayurvedic therapies, and other healthcare services. Qualified Ayurvedic practitioners and doctors work there to provide comprehensive care and support for patients, employing traditional Ayurvedic methods. Sitaram Ayurveda aims to promote an authentic and holistic approach to health and well-being through Ayurveda. They prioritize the quality of their products, while preserving the traditions and knowledge of Ayurveda. Sitaram Ayurveda is highly regarded by many clients and Ayurveda enthusiasts for their commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle and Ayurvedic practices.

Gokshura Promotes Men Vitality 60caps. Sitaram Ayurveda



The herb Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris Linn) is one of the most important among the herbs often used in traditional medicine. It’s a versatile herb with a wide range of applications. Gokshura is mentioned in depth in Ayurvedic Nighantus, with precise synonyms and therapeutic implications. Acharya Charaka identified Gokshura as the best drug for Mutrakrichha and Vataroga.


Gokshuradi Guggulu is a traditional Ayurvedic substance that helps the genitourinary tract to function properly. It tones and strengthens the reproductive organs as well as the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. Gokshura, the major component, is known for its rejuvenating effects on the kidneys and prostate. It detoxifies the urinary system and maintains healthy urine composition when used with guggulu, triphala, and trikatu. Gokshuradi Guggulu revitalises the genitourinary system by balancing all doshas and calming Vata, easing Pitta, and removing excess Kapha.


Gokshuradi Guggulu contains Mutrala property (diuretics) according to Ayurveda, which aids in the removal of kidney stones from the body. This feature also aids in the expulsion of excess uric acid from the body, offering relief from gout symptoms. It is also used to treat a variety of chronic conditions, such as diabetes. It also shows promise in reducing diabetes-related problems such as diabetic nephropathy. It works by enhancing renal function and preventing kidney tissue damage. Oral consumption of Gokshuradi Guggulu is thought to be safe. When taken orally, studies on Gokshuradi Guggulu indicate no signs of harm.



What does Gokshura do for you?

Excellent aphrodisiac property. Improves fertility and sexual performance, particularly in males.
Gokshura capsules are an excellent health supplement that promotes lean muscle mass and strength without causing corpulence. Enhances immunity, vitality and vigor.
Reaches into deeper dhatus (body tissues) and encourages optimum nourishment. A good remedy for emaciation. Helps regain strength in convalescing patients.
It is recommended for regaining strength after delivery or miscarriage.
Gokshura capsules have a specific action on pelvic organs and the kidneys. Improves renal function, urine formation and voiding.
Restores fluid balance in the body. Relieves oedema and inflammatory swellings. Excellent remedy for recurrent urinary tract infection, cystitis, renal calculi. Beneficial in managing inflammatory conditions like gout and arthritis.



Why Gokshura?

‘Vrshabha’ in Sanskrit stands for the mighty bull, the symbol of fertility and strength. Gokshura has been unanimously declared as a potent ‘Vrhsya’ drug by authentic texts in Ayurveda. The drug that blesses the individual who partakes it with remarkable fertility, vitality, and sexual vigor.

The fruits of Gokshura are one of the best aphrodisiacs known to man, hailed by both Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Ayurvedic system of healing. There is well-documented evidence supporting its efficacy in improving Testosterone levels in men.

Gokshura is seen to have a specific action on the organs located in the pelvic cavity. It improves the functioning of the kidneys, the reproductive organs, and the male and female genitalia. Gokshura capsules are an excellent diuretic and relieves inflammation throughout the body.


Dosage & Directions of usage:
Two capsules twice daily or as recommended by the Physician.

Form: kapsułki
Country of origin: Indie
Manufacturer: Sitaram Ayurveda
Packaging condition: original
Trade name: Gokshura Promotes Men Vitality Sitaram Ayurveda
Product does not contain: not applicable
Additional features: lack
Product designation: dla mężczyzn
Weight (g): 145