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Ashwagandha Vitality Booster Sitaram Ayurveda 60caps.

Little India > Health care > Dietary supplements > Memory, nervous system
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Producer: Sitaram Ayurveda
Producer code: 8904072724432
Price gros: 25.00 zł
Price net: 20.33 zł

Sitaram Ayurveda is a company specializing in the production and distribution of Ayurvedic products. Ayurveda is a traditional Indian system of medicine that aims to achieve balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit. Sitaram Ayurveda is built upon this ancient scientific discipline, offering a range of Ayurvedic products and services. The company Sitaram Ayurveda was founded with the goal of promoting a healthy lifestyle and well-being through Ayurveda. Their product range includes various Ayurvedic medicines, dietary supplements, massage oils, herbal tonics, herbal teas, Ayurvedic cosmetics, and more. All products are based on carefully selected herbs, plants, spices, and natural ingredients, following the principles of Ayurveda. Sitaram Ayurveda also engages in running Ayurvedic clinics where they offer medical consultations, Ayurvedic therapies, and other healthcare services. Qualified Ayurvedic practitioners and doctors work there to provide comprehensive care and support for patients, employing traditional Ayurvedic methods. Sitaram Ayurveda aims to promote an authentic and holistic approach to health and well-being through Ayurveda. They prioritize the quality of their products, while preserving the traditions and knowledge of Ayurveda. Sitaram Ayurveda is highly regarded by many clients and Ayurveda enthusiasts for their commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle and Ayurvedic practices.

Ashwagandha Vitality Booster 60caps. Sitaram Ayurveda



What does Ashwagandha do for you?

  • Powerful adaptogen. It heals and calms the mind frayed by restlessness, panic and anxiety. Relieves mental stress and fatigue.
  • Excellent remedy for insomnia. Balances aggravated Vata and Pitta elements in the body. Induces calmness and tranquility in the mind and body.
  • Modulates immune function. Builds the body’s natural defense to infection and disease.
  • Improves functions of the brain – intellect, memory and concentration.
  • Strengthens nerve function. Beneficial in the management of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s diseases
  • Facilitates efficient metabolism. Effective in overcoming nutritional deficiencies, emaciation and fatigue.
  • Improves fertility and sexual health. Aswagandha is instrumental in maintaining the pristine quality of the dhatus (body tissues) including the sperm and ovum.


Why Aswagandha?

Do you feel like flopping onto your bed in the middle of the day? Do you move through life unmotivated and fatigued? Frequent hospital visits, recurrent cough & cold, infection and fever, have these become a way of life for you? Wish you could reset your system and start afresh?

Revive and rejuvenate with Aswagandha, the elixir for health and well-being. ‘Rasayana chikitsa’ is a branch of medicine unique to the Ayurvedic system of healing. It focuses on protecting the body from the rigors of daily life and softening the impact of aging. Faulty dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, undue stress and strain, all contribute to a sluggish metabolism. This in turn manifests as hormonal malfunction, inflammatory disorders, general fatigue, and poor mental health in the individual.

Indian Ginseng or Ashwagandha is a herb revered by the Ayurvedic scriptures for its superlative Rasayana properties. Several studies bear testimony to the potent antioxidant activity of Aswagnadha in its various forms. It boosts general endurance and immunity, improves metabolism and enhances sexual health and virility.



Features & Benefits

  • Excellent immunomodulator
  • Combats stress and anxiety. Nervine tonic.
  • Good anti-oxidant.
  • Improves fertility and vigor


Dosage and Directions for Usage

Two capsules at bedtime, after an early dinner. Following up the dose with a glass of lukewarm milk is recommended for best results.

Form: kapsułki
Country of origin: Indie
Manufacturer: Sitaram Ayurveda
Packaging condition: original
Trade name: Ashwagandha Vitality Booster Sitaram Ayurveda
Product does not contain: not applicable
Additional features: lack
Weight (g): 145