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Alsarex Charak 40 tabletek

Little India > Health care > Dietary supplements > Digestive system
main main
Producer: Charak
Producer code: 8901082054795
Price gros: 29.00 zł
Price net: 23.58 zł

Charak Pharma is one of the leading Indian pharmaceutical companies specializing in the production and development of Ayurvedic medicinal products. The company was founded in 1947 and has since gained a reputation as a renowned manufacturer of Ayurvedic medicines. Charak Pharma is known for its commitment to scientific research and innovation in the field of Ayurveda. The company closely collaborates with a team of scientists, Ayurvedic experts, and physicians to develop effective and safe products that adhere to the principles of Ayurvedic treatment. Charak Pharma offers a wide range of Ayurvedic pharmaceutical products, including medicines for various ailments and diseases, dietary supplements, Ayurvedic cosmetics, and herbal preparations. Their products are manufactured to high-quality standards, using traditional Ayurvedic plant ingredients and natural substances. Charak Pharma emphasizes safety, efficacy, and sustainable outcomes of Ayurvedic treatment. Their products are widely available in India and international markets, gaining popularity among patients seeking natural healing methods and a holistic approach to health.

Alsarex is a comprehensive remedy based on natural ingredients, specially designed to combat ulcers and excess stomach acid. It contains potent herbs like Amalaki, Shatavari, Usheer, and Udumbar, which alleviate symptoms of digestive disorders. Additionally, the ingredient Yashtimadhu combats Helicobacter pylori bacteria, reducing the risk of ulcer recurrence. The product also aids in protecting the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Form: tabletki
Country of origin: Indie
Manufacturer: Charak
Basic ingredient: inny
Packaging condition: original
Trade name: Alsarex Charak
Product does not contain: not applicable
Additional features: lack
Weight (g): 30