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800G TRS Cloves

Little India > Herbs, Spices > Single-component Spices > Whole Spices
main main
Producer: TRS
Producer code: 5017689037246
Price gros: 100.00 zł
Price net: 92.59 zł

Cloves entirely TRS

TRS cloves, 50g

Cloves to aromatic dried flower buds of the clove tree, which are very spicy in taste, strongly aromatic rusty brown in color. Cloves come from Indonesia and are used as a spice in recipes around the world. Cloves are used in cooking whole or in powdered form. They have a very distinctive taste, so be sure to follow the behavior. Cloves are any suitable oriental spice or spice suitable as seasoning or as one of the suitable spices is known as "Gasada". In tasting, the cloves are tasted in tasting in preparation, and are the flavor of flavor in Biryani recipes on rice recipes. Cloves are also the keys to the Masala Chai (Spiced Jejbata) component. Relative Dutch testimony of a copy of the Crispy Sponge Cake. In addition, cloves are used to obtain "hache" raw materials.

Add a dash of cloves to your homemade apple pies for a delicious flavor.

Influences on the disinfection of the body.
• They destroy free radicals, which is a correspondingly good solution to many diseases,
• youth is prolonged,
• due to a strong antiseptic center that eliminates infections and inflammations,
• Additionally, mulled wine with cloves soothes nerves, helps to suggest a connection with the nervous system,

Cloves are helpful for headaches or a stick. When pain occurs, chew a clove or soak a cotton ball in clove oil and apply to the prick of the spot.


To enter inform about the operating condition in a sealed container, in a cool and dry.

Country of origin: Indie
Manufacturer: TRS
Type: goździk
Packaging condition: original
Trade name: Cloves TRS
Product does not contain: not applicable
Additional features: lack
Weight (g): 800