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Neem Skin Wellness Himalaya 60 tablets

Little India > Health care > Dietary supplements > Himalaya
main main
Producer: Himalaya
Producer code: 8901138834227
Price gros: 28.00 zł
Price net: 25.93 zł

The journey of Himalaya began way back in 1930. Himalaya Wellness Company was the vision of a humble and dedicated man. His passion to help people discover wellness through the goodness of Ayurveda was the very soul of his existence. Himalaya Wellness vision is to make a trusted head-to-heel brand providing scientifically validated herbal solutions for the entire family. 

Himalaya Neem is specially formulated for skin wellness. It is loaded with the goodness of natural neem extracts that are known to reduce bacterial growth which is a common cause of acne. Neem also possesses detoxifying and antioxidant properties and eventually limits cell damage due to free radicals. Now maintain healthy skin with these herbal capsules that are ideal for acne and allergy-prone skin.



Diseases and skin problems

Bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections

Country of origin: Indie
Manufacturer: Himalaya
Packaging condition: original
Trade name: Neem Skin Wellness Himalaya
Product does not contain: not applicable
Additional features: lack