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Sorghum (Sorgo) Millet Aachi 1kg

Little India > Dals ,Lentiles,Groats, Pods, Cereals
main main
Producer: Aachi
Producer code: 8904209311047
Price gros: 15.00 zł
Price net: 13.89 zł

Reflecting this rich Indian tradition is Aachi, a name synonymous with purity, taste and premiumness. Every pinch of Aachi Spices and Spice Blends is a journey of rediscovering Indianness; an appreciation of the brand's unwavering promise of authenticity.

Aachi Sorghum Millet


Sorghum/sorgo is less known in the Western world, it’s the fifth most produced cereal crop in the world, with an annual production of around 57.6 million tons. Farmers favor this crop due to its tolerance to drought, heat, and various soil conditions. In North America, sorghum is commonly used in animal feed and ethanol fuel production. That said, interest in using it for human food is increasing, thanks to its impressive nutritional profile. In its whole form, this grain can be cooked like quinoa or rice, milled into a flour, or popped like popcorn. It’s also converted into a syrup that’s used to sweeten many processed foods.

Manufacturer: Aachi